Be welcomed

& accepted.

Be excited about sunrises, sunsets and full moons.

Our approach

Whether you are looking for peaceful disconnect or custom tailored classes set in beautiful nature or featured events and ceremonies, this is the place.

Our healing center is located on a few acres at the valley of a Sandy Creek in Elberta, Alabama.

Majestic cedar trees will be the only spectators on your Journey.

Providing You with a Beautiful Space to Relax and Rejuvenate.

Guided Restorative Vinyasa Flow Yoga offers a nurturing and rejuvenating practice that blends the soothing elements of restorative yoga with the fluidity and alignment of vinyasa flow. This style of yoga focuses on gentle, mindful movements synchronized with breath to create a seamless flow of postures. Each class is guided by an experienced instructor who provides personalized attention and adjustments, ensuring that students of all levels can safely explore their practice. Through the integration of restorative poses, participants are invited to deeply relax and release tension, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Revitalize Your Mind and Body

Meditative ice baths combined with Wim Hof breathwork offer a transformative experience that invigorates the mind, body, and spirit. By immersing oneself in ice-cold water while practicing the Wim Hof breathing method, participants can enhance their focus, reduce stress, and increase their resilience. This practice is rooted in the belief that exposure to cold can unlock numerous health benefits, such as improved circulation, boosted immune function, and increased energy levels. The meditative aspect of this practice encourages deep introspection and a sense of inner calm, making it a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

Realize That Everything Is Energy

As energy centers, each chakra has a unique frequency. The matching sound frequency of each singing bowl reverberates through the chakra and shakes it up to release any stagnant energy. Like sifting, the sound frequencies comb through and filter the energy in the chakras. Like impurities that are left behind in a sift, sound baths can reveal emotional blockages that need healing. The humming vibrations rise all around, saturating the room and seeping into your body. This is not sound that you experience through your ears, but with your entire body.

Discover Serenity:
Kayaking & Paddleboard Adventures Await!

Embark on a tranquil journey along Sandy Creek in Elberta, Alabama, where the cool, clear waters invite you to explore the beauty of nature. Glide through the gentle currents, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sounds of wildlife. As you paddle, feel the stresses of everyday life melt away, replaced by a sense of peace and serenity. Whether you're seeking a peaceful solo adventure or a bonding experience with friends and family, a kayak trip on Sandy Creek promises to rejuvenate your spirit and leave you feeling refreshed.

Meet Our Pet Goats!

Our Nigerian Dwarf goats are a delightful addition to any farm or homestead, bringing joy and charm with their small size and friendly personalities. We bottle-fed our goats from infancy, so they have an exceptional love for all humans. They are known for their playful nature, often engaging in antics that will leave you smiling.

Chill Out!

Experience ultimate relaxation at Sand Creek Resort, where you can unwind by the bonfire, sway gently in a hammock, or even indulge in the thrill of the Flying Bed—a unique, suspended bed that offers a one-of-a-kind lounging experience. Embrace the nostalgia of carefree days with tree swings that overlook the tranquil beauty of the resort. Whether you're seeking adventure or simply a peaceful retreat, Sandy Creek Resort offers the perfect blend of excitement and relaxation, making it an ideal destination for your next getaway.

Dive into
Gardening Bliss.

Immerse yourself in the art of organic gardening at Sandy Creek Resort, where our hands-on experience offers guests of all ages and skill levels the chance to connect with nature. From planting seeds to harvesting your own fresh produce, our gardening program is a delightful journey of discovery and learning. Explore the beauty of our gardens and enjoy the satisfaction of cultivating your own food, creating lasting memories of your stay with us.

Experience Ultimate Comfort in Our Luxurious Yurt Tent.

Experience the pinnacle of comfort and luxury in our yurt tents at Sandy Creek Resort. Nestled in nature, these spacious and beautifully appointed, air-conditioned and wifi equipped accommodations offer a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Fall asleep to the soothing sounds of nature and wake up rejuvenated, ready to embrace the day ahead.

Our Services

  • Yoga

  • Kayaking

  • Meditation

  • Relaxation

“Sandy Creek Resort is a hidden gem that offers a perfect blend of tranquility and adventure. My weekend here was pure bliss, from the peaceful kayaking to the guided yoga classes. I can't wait to come back!”


Get started with Sandy Creek today.